Sharing Soil Health Data With Reproducible Reports

As part of the Soil Health Nexus Digital Cafe Series, Hava Blair, a student from University of Minnesota, presents “Sharing Soil Health Data With Reproducible Reports”. This presentation was originally broadcast on May 6, 2020.

Our research team is finishing up the analysis of soil samples from year 1 of a 2 year soil health research project that involves 27 different farmers from across the state of Minnesota. We are sharing preliminary results with our cooperators through individualized reports that explain our research design and how the soil health indicators at their farm compare to regional averages. The focus of the webinar will be on how to create a template that can automatically be updated with new data and analyses to create consistent, automated reports for different people/purposes. We believe this type of template and workflow is broadly applicable to anyone who is in the role of educating or sharing a combination of data and interpretation, whether it is for individual farmers, creating regional fact sheets, etc.

Main Presentation


Questions from the Audience