Tag Archives: webinar


Solar Corridors for Soil Health

As part of the Soil Health Nexus Digital Cafe Series, Joel Gruver of Western Illinois University presents “Solar Corridors for Soil Health”. This presentation was originally broadcast on July 21, 2021.


Pathway to Resilient Soils to Achieve Optimum Productivity and Environmental Quality

As part of the Soil Health Nexus Digital Cafe Series, Jerry Hatfield, retired USDA-ARS Plant Physiologist/Laboratory Director, presents “Pathway to Resilient Soils to Achieve Optimum Productivity and Environmental Quality”. This presentation was originally broadcast on May 19, 2021.


Evaluating soil health and soil carbon dynamics in Midwestern cropping systems

As part of the Soil Health Nexus Digital Cafe Series, Brian Dougherty of Iowa State University, presents “Evaluating soil health and soil carbon dynamics in Midwestern cropping systems”. This presentation was originally broadcast on March 24, 2021.


Soil Health for Nebraska Wealth: What the Nebraska Healthy Soils Task Force is doing to help farmers

As part of the Soil Health Nexus Digital Cafe Series, Keith Berns of Green Cover Seed, presents “Soil Health for Nebraska Wealth: What the Nebraska Healthy Soils Task Force is doing to help farmers”. This presentation was originally broadcast on February 24, 2021.


Nebraska Cover Crop and Soil Health Conference Set for Feb. 11

The Nebraska Cover Crop and Soil Health Conference will provide information to growers who are just getting started with cover crops and to those who are already making cover crops part of their operation. The conference will take place on Thursday, Feb. 11 from 1:00 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. CST with in-person check in at 12:30 p.m.


Soil Health Gap: Benchmark for the Soil health Measurement

As part of the Soil Health Nexus Digital Cafe Series, Bijesh Maharjan of the University of Nebraska – Lincoln, presents “Soil Health Gap: Benchmark for the Soil health Measurement”. This presentation was originally broadcast on October 28, 2020.


Soil Health and Climate Resilience

As part of the Soil Health Nexus Digital Cafe Series, Gregg Sanford with University of Wisconsin, presents “Soil Health and Climate Resilience”. Diverse and perennial cropping systems are recognized for their soil health benefits, but that’s not all these cropping systems have to offer. A recent analysis using 26 years of data from the Wisconsin Integrated Cropping Systems Trail (WICST) shows that these systems also provide the co-benefits of long-term stable production and resilience to a changing climate, both hallmarks of sustainable or regenerative agricultural systems. In this webinar, Gregg discusses the findings from this long-term analysis of perennial and diverse agroecosystems and their importance for farming in a changing climate.