Tag Archives: manure and soil health


Manure and Microbes: Are they the key to sustainable crop production?

This Digital Café featured Quirine Ketterings, leader of the NMSP, who shared the value of manure project and discoveries related to soil microbial health indicators thus far. This webinar was originally broadcasted June 19, 2024.


Detangling Fact from Fiction: The Impact of Manure on Soil Health in the Semi-Arid West

In this edition of the Digital Café series, we hear from Dr. Linda Schott, Assistant Professor and Extension Specialist in Nutrient and Waste Management at the University of Idaho. Dr. Schott shares data from several projects about the impact of manure/compost on soil health properties including POxC, infiltration, aggregate stability, etc. This presentation was originally broadcast on Wednesday, September 20, 2023.


Quantifying Soil Health: Where are we now?

As part of the Soil Health Nexus Digital Cafe Series, Dr. Jordon Wade, who is an Assistant Professor of Soil Health at the University of Missouri and the Director of the Soil Health Assessment Center presents “Quantifying Soil Health: Where are we now?”. This presentation was originally broadcast on January 19, 2022.

Reliably measuring soil health is essential for determining appropriate management strategies. Current frameworks for interpreting soil health indicators can be difficult to operationalize. How can we use soil health indicators to inform on-farm management? This talk is a check-in on our current frameworks and how reliable they are (or aren’t) in making management decisions.


Can We Quantify Soil Biological Activity Without a Lab?

As part of the Soil Health Nexus Digital Cafe Series, Dr. Amy Schmidt and Karla Melgar from the University of Nebraska – Lincoln present “Can We Quantify Soil Biological Activity Without a Lab?”. This presentation was originally broadcast on November 17, 2021.


Soil Carbon Storage in Agricultural Fields

As part of the Soil Health Nexus Digital Cafe Series, Alexandra (Sasha) Kravchenko, Professor in the Department of Plant, Soil and Microbial Sciences at Michigan State University presents ” Soil Carbon Storage in Agricultural Fields”. This presentation was originally broadcast on October 20, 2021.


How can animal manure help my soils be healthier and more productive?

The purpose of this article is to explain how manure application can help improve your soil health and productivity. It is easier to understand soils when we split their characteristics into their chemical, physical, and biological properties. However, these property classes are part of a whole system and are all important.

Trophic levels of the soil food web

Soil quality impacts of agricultural and municipal biosolids applications

Background Soil health management refers to the preservation and improvement in soil physical, chemical, and biological properties to maximize the productive capacity of soil. Cover crops and reduced tillage are promoted for improving soil health; however,Read More…