
Gaining Ground-Soil as a Renewable Resource

As part of the Soil Health Nexus Digital Cafe Series, Rick Cruse from the Iowa Water Center presents “Gaining Ground-Soil as a Renewable Resource”. This presentation was originally broadcast on May 20, 2020. Can the health of a degraded soil be regenerated? We use the term ‘regenerative agriculture,’ but what does it mean and does science suggest degraded soils can realistically be brought back to original productivity levels? And if it can, how long will it take?


We’re at it Again, New Tool “Drawer” Available: Soil Physical Properties

Soil physical properties, including soil texture and soil structure, have a tremendous influence on its ability to function as a living productive ecosystem that sustains plants, animals, and humans. The Soil Health Nexus has added a new “Drawer” in their Soil Health Toolbox titled, Soil Physical Properties.


Cover Crop Recipes Being Developed by States in the Midwest Cover Crop Council

A number of states within the Midwest Cover Crop Council have developed cover crop recipes. These publications are intended to provide a starting point for farmers who are new to growing cover crops. With experience, farmers may fine-tune the use of cover crops for their systems. Additional states will be coming soon.


Poultry manure improves profits, soil health

A 20-year study by Iowa State University researchers shows fertilizing cropland with poultry manure can benefit soil health and farm profits when compared to a commercial fertilizer. The study looked at long-term impacts of poultry manure on soil quality, crop yield, production costs and water quality in conventional Iowa cropping systems.