Tag Archives: cover crops


Exploring nine years of the Wisconsin’s Producer Led Watershed Program and the new Soil Health program

In this Digital Café, Randy Zogbaum, Soil Health Specialist for DATCP, discusses Wisconsin’s growing Producer-Led Watershed program and DATCP’s soil health programming. This webinar was originally broadcasted May 15, 2024.


The Economics of Relay Cropping

The January Soil Health Digital Café featured Ross Evelsizer, Natural Resources Project Director for the Northeast Iowa Resource Conservation and Development, Inc. Ross discussed the MultiCropping Iowa project. Multicropping Iowa focuses on bringing value to diverse crop production. The project started in 2018 and has focused primarily on relay cropping with cereal grains and soybeans with 34 successful in field trials since the start of the project. This presentation was originally broadcast on January 24, 2024.


Grazing, Cover Crops, and Soil Health

This Digital Cafe features Augustine Obour, Associate Professor of Soil Science at Kansas State University, who discusses Kansas State University’s research efforts using cover crops as forage to provide immediate economic benefits to farmers and quantifying the impacts of utilizing cover crops for forage on soil health and crop yields in semiarid dryland systems. This presentation was originally broadcast on Wednesday, June 21, 2023.


Top 10 Impacts of Cover Crops for Soil Health

This Digital Café features Dr. Rob Myers, Director of the University of Missouri Center for Regenerative Agriculture and also Regional Director of Extension Programs for NCR-SARE, discussed several of the key ways that cover crops can improve soil health. These factors include nutrient cycling, soil organic matter, rainfall infiltration, addressing soil compaction, aggregate stability and impacts on earthworms, mycorrhizal fungi, and other aspects of soil biology. This presentation was originally broadcast on Wednesday, April 19, 2023.


Lessons learned from on-farm cover crop research in Nebraska

In this Digital Cafe, University of Nebraska-Lincoln Assistant Professor Andrea Basche and PhD graduate student Fernanda Krupek share results from five-year on-farm experiments conducted through a partnership program with Nebraska NRCS and the Nebraska On-Farm Research Network. This includes findings on how cover crops impact soil properties, nutrient cycling, weed communities and best practices for sampling at the farm scale. This presentation was originally broadcast on Wednesday, March 15, 2023.


Cover Crop Profitability

How long does it take for cover crops to become profitable?  In this presentation, Dr. Rob Myers of University of Missouri shared insights on how different management scenarios can impact the time it takes for cover crops to provide a positive economic return, based on data from the SARE/CTIC national cover crop survey.This presentation was originally broadcast on Wednesday, November 16, 2022.


Citizen Science for Great Lakes Cover Crops

Many cover crop benefits depend on successful cover crop growth, or biomass, but cover crop biomass can vary widely across farms because it is influenced by a range of environmental and management factors. This Digital Cafe featured Etienne Herrick, a Ph.D. student in the Blesh Soil and Agroecosystems Lab at the University of Michigan, who provided an overview of a citizen science project working to better understand how and why cover crop growth varies across real farms. This presentation was originally broadcast on Wednesday, October 19, 2022.


Nebraska Soil Health Producer Panel

In a special edition of the Soil Health Nexus Digital Cafe Series, Nebraska Extension hosted a Producer Panel. The panel includes 3hree Nebraska farmers who share their soil health and conservation stories, how precipitation impacts the conservation practices they practice, and how the adoption of conservation has impacted their bottom line. They also answer audience questions. This presentation was originally broadcast on Thursday, August 25, 2022.


Long-term Effect of Cover Crops on Soil Health and Crop Yield

As part of the Soil Health Nexus Digital Cafe Series, Dr. Inderjot Chahal with the School of Environmental Studies at the University of Guelph, presents “Long-term Effect of Cover Crops on Soil Health and Crop Yield”. This presentation was originally broadcast on Wednesday, March 16, 2022.


Ag Policy and How it Impacts Soil Health Practice Adoption

As part of the Soil Health Nexus Digital Cafe Series, Lara Bryant from the Natural Resources Defense Council, presents “Ag Policy and How it Impacts Soil Health Practice Adoption”. This presentation was originally broadcast on April 21, 2021.